Recovery Affirmations

Consider playing the calming music to the right while stating the below affirmations!

  1. I can do anything I put my mind to and achieve anything I put my mind to.

  2. I’m taking small steps every day to improve my life and celebrating each of those steps.

  3. I forgive myself for my past.

  4. I embrace my future and all the beautiful things ahead.

  5. I don't need to mask my emotions.

  6. I am confident in myself to achieve my recovery goals.

  7. I am confident in myself to navigate my recovery.

  8. Recovery is helping me create a future for myself that I deserve.

  9. I’m proud of the changes I’ve made and how far I have come.

  10. I deserve to be happy.

  11. I deserve to be loved.

  12. I deserve to be at peace.

  13. My struggle with addiction of any kind does not define who I am then, now, or in the future.

  14. I respect myself for all that I am.

  15. I embrace myself for all that I am.

  16. I love myself for all that I am.

  17. I am proud of myself for all that I am.

  18. I am strong.

  19. I am brave.

  20. I am courageous.

  21. I am resilient.

  22. I can do anything that I put my heart and mind to.

  23. I am worthy.

  24. I am worthy of recovery.

  25. I am worthy of love.

  26. I am worthy of help and support.

  27. I do not have to do this alone.

  28.  It is okay if I ask for help.

  29. I deserve to be accepted then, now, and moving forward.

  30. I respect my body.

  31. I value my body.

  32. I deserve to take care of my body.

  33. I respect myself.

  34. I value myself.

  35. I am capable of facing any challenges or difficulties that come my way.

  36. I deserve to be present in the moment.

  37. I deserve to be present in my life.

  38. I deserve to be present with my loved ones.

  39. I deserve to be happy.

  40. I am healing.

  41. I am my own best friend.

  42. My life matters - then, now, and moving forward.

  43. I deserve to be surrounded by people who support my recovery.

  44. I deserve to feel safe.

  45. I deserve to feel safe in my recovery.

  46. I deserve new chances.

  47. I am wonderful.

  48. Any mistakes that are made are learning opportunities, not failures.

  49. I am grateful to myself for stepping into recovery.

  50. I deserve to be here in recovery.

  51. I am not a burden.

  52. I am not a burden when I ask for help.

  53. My body deserves my love.

  54. My mind deserves my love.

  55. My heart deserves my love.

  56. It is okay for me to love myself.

  57. I am enough just as I am.

  58. I will not let automatic negative thoughts become my narrative or my story.

  59. I will fight for myself every day.

  60. I will do whatever I need to maintain my recovery because I deserve it.